Robot Study Circle known as RSC, the Prestigious Robotics Club of COEP is one of the best Robotics clubs in India. It’s a totally different world where club members have created hundreds of robots for society such as Drones, Railway Track Surveillance Robot, Bomb Disposal Robots, Badminton Playing Robots etc.
Robot Study Circle is the National Champion in ROBOCON which is one of the best competitions in robotics in the world. RSC represented India in International Robocon 2017 held at Tokyo, Japan and won 6th international position as well as Nagase Award for the country. Also, the Club has industrial collaboration with Siemens PLM as patron sponsor, Volkswagen, Janatics, Schmalz, PnF, Robolab Technologies.
The Robot Study Circle's mentor Dr. S. S. Ohol along with the members gave a seminar on humanoid technologies followed by a demonstration of Humanoids including Nao and Genibo at Vanvashi Ashram Mangaon. The activity was in colaboration with the NSS chapter at the College of Engineering Pune.

The Robotics Society Student Chapter COEP is incredibly excited to announce the Seminar on the Advancements on Robotics and Industrial Automation in a series of TRS Lecture Series lineups.

Prof Sumit Desai of DYPatil COE, invited Robot Study Circle's mentor Dr. S.S. Ohol Sir as chief guest for the inauguration function and expert speaker on 31st Jan at 3.00 to 5.00 pm at Department of Automation and Robotics, DYPIT, Pune.
This Student Development Program titled as “Hands-on Training on Industrial Robot and Live Robot Programing” (Offline Mode)was conducted from 31th Jan, 2022 to 4th Feb, 2022 which aims to provide a wide platform for Students to gain knowledge and ideas in the field of Automation and Robotics.
This programme is coorganized with iRobotics, iTech Robotics & Automation Pvt. Ltd. by The Student Chapter of The Robotics Society, India at Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune.
Presented 13 research papers at the International Conference (Virtual) on Intelligent Technologies (ICIT 2021) held from 17 December to 19 December,2021 at Singapore.
On 18th September, 2021 a session conducted by The Robotics Society of India in association with Robot study Circle and Nugenix Robotics. A demonstration of XL-JACO mobile manipulator Robot, and a discussion on the recent trends and developments in robotics. Professors and experts across various institutes joined the session.
Showcased projects at the inauguration ceremony of Dr A P J Abdul Kalam Innovation Center, Police HQ-Wireless, Maharashtra State, Pashan, Pune on 16th July 2021. The center was inaugurated at the hands of the Honorable Dilip Walse Patil Sir, Maharashtra Home Minister in the presence of Mr. Ritesh Kumar, Additional Director General of Police, Wireless Department, Maharashtra.

Presented 8 research papers on Robotics at the International Conference (Virtual) on Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Control Technologies (RIACT 2020) held on 2nd and 3rd Oct 2020 organized by Vellore Institute of Technology(VIT), Vellore, Chennai.
Judge's Special Award in National DD-Robocon 2020 to team COEP
COEP has been participating in ABU Robocon since 2007. Over these years we have achieved many laurels in this prestigious competition and have also represented India at ABU Robocon 2017 in Tokyo, Japan. Like every year we also participated in ABU Robocon 2020 Suva, Fiji for which the theme was 'ROBO RUGBY 7S'.
DD-Robocon 2020,which is a national level competition aimed to select teams that will represent India at ABU Robocon ,was organized by IIT Delhi in online mode due to COVID-19 Pandemic.
The competition included 3 stages. Stage I had over 100 participants from all over the country where CoEP stood 4th and was selected for Stage II. For Stage II, out of 37 teams that had participated, 23 teams were selected for final stage which was held on 27th October 2020.
In the final stage, CoEP put up a really good performance but unfortunately was unable to make it to top III teams. For the performance at DD-Robocon CoEP received "Judge's Special Award".
It was possible only because of the efforts put up by the team CoEP. We all are thankful to Director Sir, all Heads of the Departments, all faculty members of CoEP and alumni for their constant support to the team CoEP.
Soft Robotics - Jelly Fish
Use of Robot Operating System(ROS)
Spherical Robot
Meta Limbs
Self Balancing Cube
Jumping Robot
Rope Climbing Robot
Wall Climbing Robot
All Terrain Robot
Automatic Floor Cleaning Robot
Electronics Voting Machine
National Robocon 20
Judge's Special Award
National Robocon 19
2nd Runner-Up in MathWorks Modeling Award
National Robocon 18
Best Aesthetic Robot Award
ABU Robocon 17 - Tokyo
Nagase Awards
Best Lovely Robot Award
National Robocon 17
Winners of National Robocon
Fastest Task Completing Robot Award
Best Idea Award
Winner - Matlab Simulation Award
National Robocon 16
1st Runner-up of National Robocon
Fastest Task Completing Robot Award
Best Manual Robot Operator Award
- Representing COEP in the prestigious National Robotics Competition - Robocon.
- Conductiong various seminars under The Robotics Society(TRS)
- Conducting workshops for FY students.
- Organizing various Robotics events in MindSpark.
- Participating in various robotics events at IIT B TechFest, MindSpark
- Building mini-projects and B. Tech projects in robotics and automation
- Presenting Research Papers at IEEE conferences and Patents.